Keith's First International Trip (06/13/98 - 07/05/98)

By Keith Oxenrider, email: mitakeet[at]sol[dash]biotech[dot]com.
Editing by the Beautiful Floreliz Mendoza, email: mizakeet[at]sol[dash]biotech[dot]com.

Any words highlighted like this ---> Eliz and I leaving to see the Phantom of the Opera <---when clicked on will take you to an image or images that I hope is (are) relevant, interesting, and perhaps amusing. Click the "Back" button to return you to this text.

The Trip Out...

Mama's and Papa's Anniversary and Papa's Birthday...


The Wedding...

Some of the Expected Philippines...

A Trip Around Leyte...

To the Bat Cave...

Happy Birthday!

The Trip Home...

Random Observations...